I was commissioned by Fingal County Council to illustrate the breadth and diversity of their art activities and the activities of their funding recipients. By undertaking this commitment I was given the opportunity to create a body of work that not only illustrated the Fingal Arts Plan but also provided the foundation for a solo exhibition. This project gave me the opportunity to travel throughout Fingal and visit a variety of schools, theatres, artists' studios and cultural centres. I witnessed how the effect of cultural activities were enriching the lives of people in so many ways. The artist in residence scheme has opened the eyes of children to the way creativity can be expressed in a variety of ways. I visited artists studios where the works are dreamed, planned and created, I spent time with international theatre companies as they rehearsed for Spreachta and the list goes on. This was a very rewarding experience and brought to my awareness all the hard work that goes on 'behind closed door' in order to bring a rich cultural experience to the growing population of the Fingal area.